Action notifications

If you're an Account Manager or have been assigned an action, there are a range of action notifications you might receive by email.

They fall into three categories:

Progress notifications

Action reminders

An assignee will receive an automatic reminder notification depending upon the duration of the action.

  • If the action due date is more than 5 days from the created date, the assignee will receive a reminder notification 2 days before the due date at 10 AM (based on the time zone).
  • If the action due date is less than 5 days from the created date, the assignee will receive a reminder notification on the last day at 10 AM (based on the time zone).
  • If the action due date is less than 2 days from the created date, the assignee will NOT receive a reminder notification.

Missed deadline

If an action passes the deadline, this will notify the assignee at 6 PM (based on the time zone).

Actions monthly summary

Account managers will receive a monthly summary of actions for their organisation every first Wednesday of the month at 9 AM.

This summary will only be sent if there is at least one action due in the current month or created in the previous month.

The summary contains

  • a count of all actions created in the organisation until that date
  • % of actions completed and the total number of actions
  • a breakdown of actions by category
  • actions created in the last month
  • actions due this month.

Assign/Reassign notifications

Assigned an action

An assignee will receive a notification that an action has been assigned to them.

Re-assigned action

An assignee will receive a notification when an action assigned to them is re-assigned to someone else.

Administrative notifications

Comment added

An assignee will receive a notification when a comment has been added to an action.

Status updated

An assignee will be notified when the status of action has been updated.

Action deleted

An assignee will be notified when an action assigned to them has been deleted.

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