Compare Report
Similar to the Alignment Report, you will see a bar chart that can toggle between Category and Question view. The number of bars will correspond to the number of surveys you're comparing.
Analysing comparisons
Matched questions are grouped by categories and display the survey name and average.
Hover over the bar to see the category:
- name
- score, and
- number of participants that responded to that survey.
Select the category name to view individual questions within it.
If the wording of your question has changed, the version from the latest survey will be shown.
What is the 'Diff' and 'Spread'?
You can analyse results by two different calculations, 'Diff' and 'Spread'.
- Diff: This is the latest survey score minus the oldest. It uses the surveys' end dates and is shown as a +/- number to show either an increase or decrease in scores.
- Spread: This is the highest score minus the lowest. This uses the surveys' average score and shows the spread of the average scores across all surveys being compared.
How to export this report
You can export the Compare Report in the following formats: Excel and PowerPoint.
The export will contain the categories and/or questions comparison along with the scores for each Category/Question broken down by survey.