Can I make changes to my survey once it's published?

What changes you can make to a published survey depends on its status.

A published survey can have any of the following three statuses:

  • Pending
  • Active
  • Closed

Let's look at what changes you can make to your survey at each stage.

What you can change Pending Active Closed

Survey information

  • Survey name
  • Survey logo and colour
  • Survey goals
  • Survey start and end dates
  • Invitation send-out period (ongoing surveys only)
Yes to all You can make changes to everything except the start date as it has already passed. You can make changes to everything except the start date as it has already passed.


  • Enable AI for reporting
  • Allow participants to export responses
  • Generate public link and QR code
  • Enable test survey mode
  • Enable ongoing survey mode
  • Enable kiosk mode
  • Adjust minimum threshold to view results (Leadership Effectiveness 360 only)
Yes to all

You can make changes to everything except:

  • Enable test survey mode
  • Enable AI for reporting: If you've already switched this on, you can't switch it off again.

You can make changes to everything except:

  • Enable test survey mode
  • Enable AI for reporting: If you've already switched this on, you can't switch it off again.


  • Add questions
  • Remove questions
  • Move/reorder questions
  • Add/Edit skip logic
  • Edit questions
Yes to all

You can only edit the text of a question and its category once the survey is active. You can't perform any other actions.

If you need to add or remove a question for an active survey, you will need to contact our Customer Success Team to do this for you.

You can only edit the text of a question and its category once the survey is active. You can't perform any other actions.

If you need to add or remove a question for a closed survey, you will need to contact our Customer Success Team to do this for you.


  • Add demographic categories
  • Remove demographic categories
  • Change demographics to self-select or invisible
Yes to all Yes to all If you need to make changes to demographics after your survey has closed, you'll need to contact our Customer Success Team.


  • Add participants
  • Remove participants
  • Edit participant information
Yes to all You can add and edit participants. You can also remove participants as long as they haven't started or completed the survey yet. No. You can't make any changes to participants once the survey has closed. If you need to change a participants information or remove a participant, you will need to contact our Customer Success Team to do this for you.


  • Edit Welcome page
  • Edit invitation email
  • Edit reminder emails
  • Turn on/turn off reminder emails
Yes to all Yes to all Yes, but there wouldn't be any value in doing so!
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